đź“» Radio demo transcript

Hey, how’s your day going?

This is your host Nico Pershing and you’re listening to the one and only

WKTT radio station — at 1066 AM. We know the truth — because this is what we stand for.

It’s time for a daily dose of the latest news around the globe.

So, let’s find out what’s happening in this crazy world.

>As we speak, the former president of France is being hard pressed. As it turns out Nicholas Sarkozy is involved in a corruption scandal. The judge and noble members of the jury are less than pleased with his spending habits — the court finds him guilty for illegally funding his unsuccessful 2012 re-election campaign. The famous politician gets another sentence under his belt, though he dodges a bullet this time and can serve this 1-year stint at home. The only piece of advice I have for this guy is to behave: at least for a year, be a good boy — wear your ankle monitor and steer clear of politicking.

>Woah, seems like we have a flurry of politicians getting their just desserts overseas. Phenomenal! Maria Kolesnikova, Belarus’ very own, gets jailed for coup plot. Mr. Lukashenko is doing his thing and getting his every adversary locked up. “They’ve been trying to make me regret what I did. But I’ve no regrets”. That’s what she said.

>Speaking of ecological agenda, Italy’s capital may be the next favorite place for Oscar the Grouch as it’s drowning in trash. Residents of the city of Rome feel down in the dumps because they’re surrounded by piles of garbage. Elections are nearing, and whoever will become the next mayor of this magnificent city, needs to sort this mess out. This is the task at hand.

Well, ladies and gents, this is over. I hope you enjoyed the show. Stay tuned for more truth!



彡Nico Pershing 📰 🎓

Bachelor of political sciences. Getting my master’s in journalism.